Turning Tablez With Staff Sergeant L’Herisse

Staff Sergeant Xavier L’Herisse - Turned Tablez

Staff Sergeant Xavier L’Herisse - Turned Tablez

In January 2009, I Joined the U.S. Army. My military experience would be anything but typical & my life would never be the same. There were a myriad of reasons for me enlisting, but those are stories for another time. Initially, I wanted to get into the medical field, instead, I got talked into Military Intelligence. So I moved all of my stuff back to my mother's house on Long Island & awaited orders to ship out. During that era, I met some pretty amazing people, most of which I still consider family to this day. It was in Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, where I would first meet L'Herisse. Though we were in different platoons, we shared some laughs, acknowledgments, & the occasional smoking from our Drill Sergeants. Upon graduation, the M.I.'s were shipped from Missouri to Southern Arizona via the longest bus ride of my life. Advanced Individual Training (AIT), is different for every soldier. Depending on your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), you can get contrasting accounts of experiences. Military Intelligence school was, for the most part, pretty lax when it came to discipline. Your worst fear was getting your security clearance revoked for weekend shenanigans, which would then result in forfeiting your sign-up bonus. Xavier (not Egs-avier like the Professor) & I tore up Sierra Vista more than a few times. He would also be one of the few military friends that I had post-Army adventures with,  which have included meeting up in Las Vegas & spending New Year's Eve in Manhattan (pics at the bottom). Wherever we went, it was always entertaining. He's a special kind of person. Someone more than worthy of respect. During the quarantine, he started posting pictures of these psychedelic looking pieces of art that he called Turned Tablez. My curiosity got the best of me, so I had to ask about them. Here is what he said...
Staff Sergeant Xavier L’Herisse (Pictured here as a specialist)

Staff Sergeant Xavier L’Herisse (Pictured here as a specialist)

What are some of the your proudest moments in the last decade?

  • ARMY! 
  • Louisiana National Guard, deployed time Iraq. 
  • Kentucky National Guard, deployed to Kuwait...I took your spot on that one. (What?!?)
  • I served 3 years on active duty following the deployments with the 1-506th Infantry Battalion, 101st Airborne Division. 
  • Transferred to the Army Reserve and I have been recruiting for the last 2 years. 
  • Have an associate’s degree in Intelligence Operations studies, a bachelor’s in Psychology, and working on my MBA. 
  • Was married, but happily single now, taking care of my 2 wonderful daughters. 
Strawberry Cheesecake End table

Strawberry Cheesecake End table

“I started in 2018, after I completed recruiting school. I’m not that big into social media, but once I finished a good amount of projects, I decided that I needed to put my work out there. I asked my sisters for a name and my youngest came up with Turned Tablez. As soon as she said it, I knew that was the one.”
Canvas Art

Canvas Art

Without giving up too many trade secrets, what exactly do you do to the tables?

“I make them dope. Tables that may be overlooked, old, or thrown away are what I look for. Normally I look for details that catch my eye. A lot of time I’m looking to just completely transform something regular into something unique. The tables are repurposed. I find them at Garage sales, marketplace, etc. One of my favorites, was a beat up old table that one of my friends had that was just sitting in his garage. It was missing a knob, scratched up, and just taking up space and collecting dust. I did an LSU theme and gave it to his mom."

What are the different surfaces you can "turn"?

"As long as it is a flat surface, it can be turned. Eventually, I’d like to get into flooring and countertops. I’ve also done an entertainment system for myself, some canvases, and a bed."

what does the Average table cost & Do You Ship?

"On average, a coffee table would cost at least $150. Pricing varies though. Depending on the supplies and how much time it will take me. I haven’t started shipping yet, but a few people have been asking about getting things shipped. I’ll most likely work on some smaller projects first, ship those out and see how it goes."

What made you decide to start turning tables?

"I was in training for about a month and a half and I saw a video. Someone was doing this stuff on countertops. Shortly after, I found myself watching hours of videos. I’ve never really thought of myself as a creative person, but the more that I work on projects, the more I allow my creativity to be expressed. One of the biggest influences when I’m creating these projects is the music that I listen to while I’m creating something. I get inspired by album covers or even the lyrics of a song, it’s pretty dope. Additionally, if I know that I want to work on a project, I’ll go to my favorite coffee shop (Cafeza) to get coffee and stay up until 3AM. It never fails."
"I’ve always been into listening to music and at one time I wanted to be a DJ".

Random fact about yourself, not related to the tables?

"I was born in Germany, but moved shortly after I was born. My dad was in the Army when I was born and stationed there. I haven’t been back since then, but it’s on my to do list for sure". 
Note from the author: My random fact about him is that he got me into eating Raisin' Canes. He raved about how good it was months before the first store opened in Arizona. When they did, I jumped right into line like a hobo sailor does. 
Xavier is originally from New Orleans & currently resides in Houston, Texas. As a New Yorker, I was initially scared of Texas. After a few visits, it is on my top 5 list. His art is inspiring to me. As is anyone's who creates & speaks from the heart. Those are the best kind of people. It is my hope, that you check out his work on Instagram & give him a follow to see what he creates next. If you are interested in purchasing some of his creations or want to inquire about a commission, that is where you would send a direct message. I want to thank you for reading & I would like to thank my Battle L'Herisse, for taking the time to answer my questions. The artist's soul burns brighter. Whether you construct song, dance, words, businesses, beer, etcetera; You are making art.  
Tudor & L’herisse At the minus 5 bar in las vegas

Tudor & L’herisse At the minus 5 bar in las vegas

We paid extra for the “Nipple Shot”

We paid extra for the “Nipple Shot”

And the most awkward picture of the decade goes to…NYE in NYC. Getting Silly

And the most awkward picture of the decade goes to…NYE in NYC. Getting Silly


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