Eddy Detroit Has Left The Building


Phoenix loses another legend

Eddy Detroit departed from this strange existence on 6/14/2021.

I didn’t know Eddy Detroit personally. His name seemed to always creep around in the wind. Like a mythological beast. Elusive. My grandpa Whiskey Ric Bennett talked about him often. Eddy gave him his first paid solo gig many years back for the modest fee of $45. Eddy & I were Facebook friends for the last few years. In recent times, he chronicled his health issues in posts. It’s hard to know what to say, especially over social media, when you don’t know the person in the flesh. My heart would go out to him almost daily.

I don’t want to turn the tone into a melancholy mess. This dude seemed to live every second of his life to the fullest. Sucking on French porn stars toes while the sun is rising on a beach for a photoshoot. Read more about his exploits below:

Most recent cover story for Phoenix New Times
New Times article from 2011

Check out his YouTube Channel - Spotify - Bandcamp - Apple Music - to hear his music


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